What Makes CMC different?

Us Vs Competitors
RamMax 1G of ramMax 4G of ram
(when enough players active)
Based on your PC’sMin of 3G of ram
PlayersMax of 10 players at a timeNo Max
(more players on more ram)
No Max based on PCMax of 15 Players
PluginsNo free Plugins
Max of 12
Limited numberNo plugins Runs off forge or fabricUnlimited access
Recommend plugins given as well
SetupSelf set up
Slow start up
Self set up
Slow start up
Can be started as soon as you invite your friends2 day set up
You tell us what you want we do it
UptimeOnly on once started
One player must stay on it for it to stay on
Only on once started
One player must stay on it for it to stay on
Once world host has started it it is on as long as there PC is on Once your time starts it will be up for 24 hours straight
only down time if it crashes
ExtraCan buy plugins and addonsNothing to upgradeMust upgrade your own PC
Can buy cosmetics
CMCVIP offers more up time, More ram, Faster set up, Modded access, and More players.